Science Writing and Editorship

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Recently, I have completed diverse freelance editing/writing jobs, including:

-Ghostwriting the text for this book:
-Background research and writing: From small to tall: breed-varied household pet dogs can be trained to detect Parkinson’s Disease | bioRxiv
-Writing/editing an NSF SBIR grant for a digital education company
-Co-authoring an NSF IUSE grant
-Preparing articles, blog posts, and press releases for science- and conservation-driven companies
-Reviewing and writing conservation documents
-Editing business and economics papers
-Editing dissertations across diverse sub-disciplines
-An ad hoc advisor for current and prospective graduate students

If you are an undergraduate or graduate student that needs help with a thesis, dissertation, research proposal, grant writing, or the publishing process generally, please contact me. Perhaps I can help you.

Other positions include:

2019-Present            Head Editor, Caribbean Naturalist (Eagle Hill Publications)

2019-Present             Science Content Reviewer, Cactus Communications

2019-2021                 Special Content Editor, Food Webs (Elsevier)

2011-2021                  Editorial Board, Oecologia (Springer)

2016-2019                 Editor-in-Chief, Food Webs (Elsevier)

2008-2019                Editorial Board, Caribbean Naturalist (Eagle Hill Publications)

2008-2011                 Assistant Editor, PLoS One (Public Library of Science)

External Reviews

The last ten years listed, primarily refereed journals (multiple times for many journals). Also includes national and international funding agencies, tenure review packets, international Ph.D. reviews, and Books/Book Chapters. These are in addition to the dozens of other journals for which I have edited papers for other authors.

American Naturalist, Animal Behaviour, ANR Blanc Programme (France), Aquatic Living Resources, Austral Ecology, Axios, Behavioral Ecology, Biological Conservation, Biological Invasions, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, Biological Invasions, Biological Reviews, Biological Conservation, Bonefish and Tarpon Trust, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Caribbean Journal of Science, Caribbean Naturalist, Conservation Biology, Current Biology, Conservation Letters, Deep Sea Research, Diversity and Distributions, Ecohydrology, Ecology, Ecology and Evolution, Ecological Applications, Ecology Letters, Ecosphere, Ecosystems, Environmental Biology of Fishes, Estuaries and Coasts, Environmental Management, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Fisheries Management and Ecology, Fisheries, Fisheries Research, Frontiers in Zoology, Functional Ecology, Fundamental and Applied Limnology, Global Change Biology, Gulf Research Foundation, Hydrobiologia, International Ph.D. reviews (5 different countries), Israel National Science Foundation, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Basic and Applied Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Journal of Fish Biology, Journal of the North American Benthological Society, Journal of Sea Research, Journal of Tropical Ecology, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, Limnology and Oceanography, Limnology and Oceanography: Methods, Marine and Coastal Fisheries, MARFIN, Marine and Freshwater Research, Marine Biology, Marine Biology Research, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Methods in Ecology and Evolution, National Geographic, National Science Foundation (5 different programs, also including a BIO-OCE Panel 2010 and 2014 and Coastal SEES Panel 2013 and 2015), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, National Environmental Research Center of the UK Nature Communications, Neotropical Ichthyology, Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, NOAA, Oecologia, Oikos, PLoS One, Polar Biology, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Qatar Science Foundation, Research Letters in Ecology, River Research and Applications, Royal Society of Open Science, Sea Grant (5 different state programs), Science of the Total Environment, Southeastern Naturalist (Guest Editor), Tenure and Promotion Packets (5 different universities), The Biology of Mangrove and Seagrasses (Book Review), The Open Marine Biology Journal, The Science of the Total Environment, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, Trends in Ecology and Evolution, United Arab Emirates Research Affairs Council.